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co-active coaching • training • mentoring

Transform the leadership style in your company by adopting a coaching approach.

Mentoring & Coaching

Invest in your employees to create dynamic, and empowering relationships in your workplace.


I specialize in coaching and mentoring top-performing leaders who can drive your business forward. The proven methods I work with have helped many large corporations improve their leadership skills and achieve their goals.

By investing in the improvement of your leaders, you’re investing in your company’s future. Let me help you create a strong, motivated, and effective leadership team that will take your business to new heights.


Coaching produced a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business The study provided powerful new insights into how to maximize the business impact from executive coaching. (MetrixGlobal LLC)


Harvard Business Review explains: “And whereas coaching was once viewed by many as a tool to help correct underperformance, today it is becoming much more widely used in supporting top producers”.

Workshops & Training


I create and facilitate series of tailor-made workshops such as: building a dream team / enforcing the coaching approach / designing alliances / improved daily organization / how to hold short & sweet meetings.


I facilitate the Corporate Fundamentals Co-Active CTI course (2 ½ to 3 days for up to 26 participants) to teach coaching skills and tools.

What is the investment?

Offers upon request.